It’s all about online visibility, search rankings, and site traffic.

It’s true. Google changes its algorithms 500 times a year. Google has hundreds of ranking factors that constantly evolve. Staying ahead of all these updates is a full-time job that is extremely difficult.

The whole concept of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is to drive web traffic to your site at minimal cost.

But Dookoo has this covered for you. Our team’s approach combines technical SEO, on-page content, and off-page methods to deliver sustainable growth. We can support realistic performance and filter out temporary traffic and questionable rankings.

We promise to build your new SEO strategy. We can optimize new opportunities, provide detailed insights that define performance changes, and automatically adapt to all the algorithm changes that occur continually on Google. Our SEO consulting services will dramatically increase your traffic immediately. As part of our deliverables, we will provide a roadmap for SEO growth, along with continual reporting that identifies your progress.

SEO Audits:

Our technical audit team will outline your strengths and weaknesses multiple times a month. It is a comprehensive report that uncovers hidden SEO issues and recommendations that drives more traffic and business than you ever thought you could ever achieve on your own. Build your search rankings overnight with our assistance.

Improving the quality and quantity of your site requires critical strategies that will help improve brand awareness and organic search rankings.

Local SEO:

The goal is to get customers to walk through your digital storefronts more often. This comes with improved rankings for local queries in Google Search and Google Maps. Our local SEO experts will guarantee your business shows up where potential customers are looking for you.

Our Dookoo team will review your current website and provide tangible recommendations that improve your rankings. We will review keyword research based on your services and products, the markets where you most often appear, and improved business platforms. Based on new, continual reports and reviews, we will adjust as necessary until your peak performance is achieved.